
Commercial Exhibits are open at 10:00 am for the general public

    For information on being a vendor contact Ellen Perez at:

    Email: prelln73@yahoo.com
    Phone: 559-269-4430 or 559-647-2719


    1. The Association reserves the right to decline or prohibit any Exhibit, Exhibitor or proposed Exhibit or Exhibitor, not approved by it, and to permit only such matter and conduct as it may approve. This reservation covers persons, things, conduct, printed matter, advertising, souvenirs and emblems, and all else which affects the Fair.
    2. The construction, design and decoration of Exhibitor’s booth shall conform to the Association’s requirements. No neon or illuminated signs or exposed lighting will be permitted within exhibit areas unless special permission is first obtained from the Association in writing.
    3. All special wiring, electrical work, gas, water and/or sewer connections shall be installed and connected by the Exhibitor at the Exhibitor’s expense.
    4. Counter, shelves or similar installations shall be made at the Exhibitor’s expense.
      S. Each Exhibitor shall submit fcr approval a sketch of the exhibit to be installed, showing floor plan, elevation and utilities required and no installation shall be made until such approval has been obtained in writing. A permit to install shall be issued upon the approval of said sketch. No exhibit or display may be so high along the front or sides of the booth as to hide the adjoining or neighboring exhibits from the view of visitors passing along the aisles. All reasonable care must be exercised in the interest of public safety and public safety requirements must be complied with. All fire regulations as prescribed by the State Fire Marshal, local authorities, and the Association must be strictly observed.
    5. The Association will furnish general overhead illumination. Any additional electricity required and/or used is to be paid for by the Exhibitor.
    6. The Association will furnish necessary janitor service for all aisles and areas used by the public, but Exhibitors must, at their own expense, keep their exhibit space properly arranged and clean. Such cleaning must be completed, all coverings removed and the exhibit dusted at least one hour before the building or tent is open to the public. Receptacles will be provided at several locations to receive Exhibitor’s trash and such trash must not be swept into the aisles or any public space.
    7. The Association will provide watchman service and will exercise reasonable precaution for the protection of the property of Exhibitors, but shall assume no responsibility for loss or damage to the property of Exhibitors. Small articles easily removed or particularly fragile articles or displays should be put away for safe keeping by the Exhibitor after the closing hour each night.
    8. All aisle space belongs to the Association and all activities of the Exhibitor, his agents, employees or representatives must be confined within the area allotted to the Exhibitor and may not be carried on elsewhere on the Fair Grounds.
      Goods may be sold and orders taken only within the confines of the. exhibit and only after written permission of the Association has been secured. However, the following will not be allowed: Solicitation above the ordinary speaking tone of voice; gifts or souvenirs upon which a noise can be made (whether sold or given away). Sound-producing devices and/or sound equipment may be installed an4 operated, but only by first obtaining written permission from the Association.
    9. All packing cases, crates and debris of any kind must be removed from the exhibit space prior to the time of opening.
    10. The Exhibitor is entirely responsible for the space allotted to him and agrees to reimburse the Association for any damage to the floor, walls or equipment used in connection with the space allotted to the Exhibitor, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
    11. No exhibit or portion thereof may be removed from the exhibit area during the period of the Fair without the Association’s written consent. This rule does not apply to small articles which make up cash sales or souvenirs.
    12. Upon written application the Association will issue passes for the operating period of the Fair to Exhibitors and those employees required for the efficient operation of the exhibit. Names of all such employees must be furnished by the Exhibitor.
    13. Each and every article of exhibition and all boxes, crates, packing material and debris of whatsoever nature used in connection with the exhibit space and owned by the Exhibitor must be removed from the building and grounds by the Exhibitor at his own expense, not later than ten days after the official closing day of the Fair. It is understood that in the event of the Exhibitor’s failure to vacate said premises as herein provided, unless permission in writing is first obtained, the Association may and is hereby authorized and made the agent of the Exhibitor to remove and store the exhibit and all other material of any nature whatsoever, at the Exhibitor’s risk and expense, and the Exhibitor shall reimburse the Association for expenses thus incurred.
      1 5. The Exhibit shall be conducted and the privileges exercised in strict conformity with all applicable State and Federal Laws, all local Ordinances and the rules and regulations governing the Fair, now existing or as the same may be amended from time to time.
      1 6. All safety orders of the Division of Industrial Safety, Department of Industrial Relations, must be strictly observed.
    14. No exhibit will be allowed to open until all the preliminary requirements hereinabove set forth have been complied with. Failure of the Association to insist in any one or more instances upon the observance and/or performance of any of these rules and regulations shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of such rules and regulations.